Tag: iphone apps

  • Winners of Prarthana iPhone Apps give away contest announced

    Here are the 6 lucky winners of the Prarthana iPhone apps give away contest: Ankur Favorite Apps: Pandora, Shooter, Thunder Winner: Shri Durga Prarthana Natraj Favorite Apps: Clearcam, Cycorder, iBlackList Winner: Shri Durga Prarthana Raj Favorite Apps: shazam, ocarina, flick bowling Winner: Shri Durga Prarthana Prakash Favorite Apps: GMaps, GEarth, Bloomberg Winner: Shri Vishnu Prarthana…

  • Week in iPhone Apps

    The week saw 2 major app launches in the iPhone App Store: Skype [Appstore Link] – The much awaited app has been finally launched for the iPhone. And it is doing pretty well! The free app lets you make VoIP calls from your iPhone over the WiFi network. Yeah, no 3G support. But the app is…

  • Review: Brain Tuner [Free iPhone Apps]

    Brain Tuner (Lite) is a free app available for the iPhone and iPod Touch [iTunes store URL]. It is a very simple and intuitive app to get some exercise for your brain. Upon launching the app, you are given an option to choose the number of questions. The welcome screen also displays your best time.…