Category: Misc

  • A printer that can print 3D objects! [OMFG]

    You must have seen those fancy printers in sci-fi movies which are capable of printing 3D object by scanning them. Well, its not science fiction anymore. Scientists at the Z Corporation in Burlington, Massachusetts, USA have developed 3D printers that can replicate 3D objects just like we see in the sci-fi movies. This kind of thing…

  • Walt Disney’s Brilliant Multi Plane Animation Camera in 1957

    This is abso-frickin-lutely amazing. Walt Disney shows how they invented a new multi plane camera for layered animation to provide that sense of realism.

  • Kinect Powered Virtual Dressing Room Demo Shows A Glimpse Of The Future [Video]

    The incredibly capable Kinect sensor bar is proving to be something that Microsoft would’ve never imagined. Primarily due to the ease of availability and excellent programming interface, people are using it in all sorts of virtual reality applications. The latest example is a Virtual dressing room. TopShop, a British clothes retailer popular across Europe, ran a…

  • Kindle’s ad takes over the iPad

    Here is a kindle ad that takes over the iPad directly: httpv:// Pretty smart eh?

  • Super awesome artificial bird in action [OMFG]

    Did you know there are companies working on animal robotics? Apparently, there are and they seem to be working on some serious shit. Have a look at the uber awesome video below and you will get what I am trying to say; Impressive eh? The company’s name is Festo and they are serious players in…

  • Geeky tennis shoes

    Forever Geek has put together this awesome list of the world’s 10 geekiest tennis shoes. We wanted to share them with our readers. Tron:

  • Facebook Like & Unlike buttons available as rubber stamps

    This is probably the coolest thing I might have seen in recent times. Rubber stamps (you know, the kind of stamps used by government officials) are now available in the form of Facebook Like & Unlike buttons. Imagine that you submit an application to a government agency and when its accepted, you get a copy…

  • Volkswagen Norway Lets You Test Drive The Car From A Print Ad [Video]

    Volkswagen in Norway has come up with a print ad that, combined with a mobile phone app, gives you a virtual test drive. They say it’s a virtual test drive but I’d say it’s more of showing off the car’s awesome features. But I must agree that this is an amazing (and really innovative) way to…

  • Corsair Force GT, World’s Fastest SSD (Read/Write at 500MBps)

    Most of the phones and some computers releasing now contain flash memory/SSD. Corsair, as earlier announced has previewed a new line   of SSDs, the Corsair Force GT which is an ultra fast (world’s fastest as of now) 240GB SSD which can do read/writes at up to 500MB per second (has native SATA3 support too).

  • Which Programming Language Makes You Curse More?

    If you have done some amount of serious programming, you can’t deny that you’ve cursed the language. No matter how good a programming language is, there are situations where all a programmer can do is just curse out loud. But not once did I ever think someone will actually map some stats and come up with…