Best bug ever?
Turns out Google did a bit too much while designing Android. From what we hear Android behaves as a linux shell 24×7. So if you type any linux command it gets executed as sudo. Sounds cool, eh? Well, guess what happens when you type “reboot”? It reboots itself! The bug (feature?) affects version 1.0 TC4-RC29…
First Class Jerk
Looks like Mrs Ari Gold from Entourage made a laughing stock of herself in the latest episode aptly titled “First Class Jerk”. In the following picture you can see Mrs Gold talking on her iPhone 2G holding it upside down. LOL: In the same episode, she uses the phone properly 2 other times: Looks like…
Google Chrome isn’t good enough for Google ?
Apparently the Google Custom search doesn’t like their own Google Chrome browser. They also think that Firefox 3.0 isn’t mature enough for that ? No wonder Google Custom search ain’t gaining more popularity.
MS charging INR 929 to ship IE 7!
Looks like the slowdown is affecting Microsoft as well and they are inventing insane ways (just like Yahoo) to earn money. Seriously MS, Ubuntu is shipped worldwide for free! Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 delivery to your home [via Sushubh]
The world’s cleanest gola [Frozen Slush]
The digital inspiration blog has a really interesting article about this new upcoming refreshing ice golas [Frozen Slush] in Mumbai. They seem to be the descendants of the Google Gulp! Check out the stall: I am sure they are gonna get into some TM troubles with Google. However illegal the name might be, if this…
Security guy dancing
Setu from woikr recently went to a friend’s engagement party in Lucknow. Apparently, the guard at the banquet hall forgot his duties and started dancing at the tunes of the DJ 🙂 This was captured (and streamed live) using qik on an iPhone.