Author: Chirag

  • Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

    Steve Jobs has resigned from Apple. There are all kinds of talks about how it will affect Apple, how the stocks will go down, whether Apple will continue to stay on top for long. But I don’t think this is the time to think about all that. It’s time to give the guy a standing ovation…

  • Lara Croft is Back, Looks Better Than Ever [Trailer]

    If you are a Tomb Raider fan, watch this. If you aren’t, watch this anyway. Chances are, you will become one soon. This is the most cinematic Tomb Raider has ever looked, including the movies. Watch out Nathan Drake, Lara Croft is all set to raid uncharted territories. [via @greetchandu]

  • Like Wikipedia? You Must Install Footnotify in your Browser

    You know the most irritating thing about Wikipedia? The references. Going up and down the text/references is terribly distractive and sometimes I even get lost within the page. The good news is that Hans from Norway already came up with a solution – Footnotify. Footnotify is a Chrome/Safari extension that allows you to see references in Wikipedia in…

  • This Arguably Is The Best Mobile App Promotion Video You Will Ever See [Making Included]

    Special Effects guru Andrew Kramer came up with an idea for a simple iPhone app called Demon Cam and went on to make an extravagant promotion video as the backstory as well as tutorial for it. It’s brilliant. I doubt that anyone else will ever top this effort, especially to promote a 99 cent mobile…

  • So Do You *Really* Know What Cloud Computing Is? [Hilarious Hindi Video]

    Remember how Microsoft Windows used to come in CDs? Have you seen Google Search CD? Of course, you haven’t. That’s because it’s a Cloud CD. Watch this video for a detailed explanation. It’s Pure Magic. Except when it rains. Thanks @Deepak! Note: We’ve received concern about the fact that the speaker was an honest and knowledgeable…

  • This Is How Complex Smartphone Patents Legal Issues Are [Infographic]

    Everyone who follows tech news knows that smartphone manufactures are neck deep in legal issues related to patents. It seems like everyone is suing everyone for one reason or the other. In fact recently, Google bought Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billions and according to pundits the primary reason is the vast amount of patents the…

  • This May Be The Perfect DSLR Accessory [HoodCap]

    I never use a lens cap with my DSLR. The reason? They are a nuisance. No matter how much in habit you are, there will be a time you will miss a good shot because the lens cap was on and it took some precious seconds to hastily remove it and stuff it in your…

  • CodeMatch Lets You Churn Out Java Code As Fast As You Can Type [Well, Almost]

    So we’ve been hearing since forever that in future we will have programming languages that will be as easy as typing English. Modern scripting languages like Python are pretty concise but what about those of us stuck with writing Java at work? Well, CodeMatch plans to solve a few of your problems. It is a…

  • Did You Know That Bullet-Time Existed Before “The Matrix”! [Video]

    We’ve always associated bullet time sequences with “The Matrix” but today I found that the concept was actually used before the movie! Obviously it wasn’t as effective and hence never left the kind of impression that was left by Neo bending backwards to dodge those bullets. The trick was first used in the following, noticeably…

  • How Linux Has Evolved Over The Years [Infographic]

    Remember those times you spent checking distrowatch for the top gaining linux distros, running LUGs and distributing Ubuntu CDs to friends and family? Well, they were certainly worth it.