So the big question is, how green are the gadgets that you use/used? When we’re talking about green/eco-friendly, what we’re looking for is
- How high the emissions are during production and gadget usage.
- What material the product is made of (are those eco-friendly?) And how minimal paper/plastic the gadget package comes with.
- Is your gadget energy efficient or Do you have to charge twice a day?
GeekAPhone guys put together an interesting info-graphic which depicts how green the iPhone really is. Some of the noteworthy points are
- iPhone parts come from 6 different countries and are assembled at China.
- 2 million phones (not just iPhones) are dumped every week, that’s huge. I wonder where this landfill is.
- Glass, Steel and battery make up 77% of the iPhone weight.
- iPhone4 reduced CO2 emissions by 18% when compared to it’s precedent iPhone 3G
- Less than 10% of the iPhone(s) are recycled. In India most of them are either passed on to kids in the family or trashed, despite Apple offers free recycling of their products.
- iPhone emits 2 and 1/2 times less radiation than the level which can cause behavioural changes to animals, so the human race is safe for now. If you’re using those cheap China mobiles – you’re probably screwed.
More details in the graphic below.
[Via GeekAPhone]