Month: October 2009

  • iPods at lowest prices in India [Deals]

    A friend just informed me that eBay is having amazing discounts on iPods this week. So if you are looking to buy/gift one this Diwali, you should definitely check them out. Since the friend has been pestering me to find him a deal on iPod Touch for almost a month now, I can assure you…

  • And the world’s best company is … Nintendo?

    Yeah, that’s right. According to a strange list of best companies picked by A. T. Kearney for BusinessWeek, Nintendo is the #1 company in the world. Apparently, the basis of the list is sales figures in 2008 and international sales percentage. To qualify a company needs to have sales > $10 billion with atleast 25%…

  • Another reason to stop using Hotmail

    I don’t know anyone who has used Hotmail in years. But if you are still amongst the few who use it, here is Reason #461 not to do so. Neowin reports that some anonymous user posted details, including passwords, of thousands of users accounts with, and Ars Technica says the list included…

  • Review: Wisen Up [iPhone Apps]

    When Apple says, “There’s an app for just about anything”, they really mean it. Consider Wisen Up, an app best described as a collection of facts, trivia, myths and quizzes about medical science and human body. Now what use could this be to anyone? Well, it’s a pretty cheap way to pass time when you…

  • Sony develops wireless power transfer system

    Now this is cool. Sony has issued a press release claiming that it has successfully tested a prototype system to transmit power without any wires. The prototype setup like this: The system can push 60 watts of electrical energy over 20 inches and can be extended using passive extender units. Pretty cool. Judging by the…

  • Send emails in background in Thunderbird [Tips]

    Thunderbird is an awesome open source email client. People switching from Outlook to Thunderbird find it annoying that it does not have an Outbox folder and opens a new dialog box (for a few seconds) while it sends emails. Fortunately, there is a workaround for this problem. You will have to use a beta version…

  • Close firefox when the last tab is closed [Tips]

    Google chrome has an inbuilt feature to close the browser when the last tab is closed. This is very convenient for avid users who use the middle click to close the tabs. Just close all the tabs with middle clicks and you are done. However, firefox doesn’t allow users to close the last remaining tab…

  • A fresh new look for woikr

    As you might have noticed, woikr has a fresh new look. We believe this new look will enhance your reading experience in several ways. The home page now shows the latest 15 posts. The side bar has been enhanced and now allows easy access to the subscription options from every page. There are lots of…

  • Fix VLC skipping problem on your Mac

    I love VLC. The simple reason: it comes in a package. No clumsy codec downloads or crappy, hard to update codec packs. So when I thought of switching to Mac (will talk about that during the coming weeks), I was happy to see that VLC was there. But VLC on Mac comes packed with a…

  • House decorated with dried moss

    We all know the Japanese are pure geniuses. This ultra awesome and innovative idea to decorate white walls with dried up moss speaks for itself: