Month: October 2009

  • How to turn off iPhone screen when using Skype [Tips]

    This is one of those posts that a few of you might think – “I already knew this” or “Does this really deserve a post?“. But I am gonna post it anyway, because its one hell of a useful tip if you’re a regular user of this iPhone application and didn’t figure this out before.…

  • Google Wave invite giveaway

    Get a Google Wave invite.

  • Photoshop now on your iPhone

    The iPhone (and iPod Touch ofcourse) truly have become a major computing platform. Everyone these days seems to be launching the iPhone version of their popular dekstop/mobile apps. The latest one to join the bandwagon is Adobe. They’ve launched a limited sorta edition (obviously) of Photoshop for the iPhone. It’s called for mobile (what’s…

  • Do not upgrade your unlocked iPhone to 3.1.2

    Although it’s been in news the whole day, do NOT upgrade your iPhone to 3.1.2 if it’s unlocked and you want it to stay that way. It’s clear from the warning below that the release by GeoHot called Blackra1n will only jailbreak your iPhone on OS 3.1.2. WARNING: Even though the GeoHot jailbreak supports 3.1.2…

  • Google Suggests that Obama is..

    Here’s another one of those weird and funny Google suggestions that appear in the Google search. It surely says that Google Suggest is not yet totally ready for “prime time”, but yes it is surely helpful in its own ways. Found something interesting like this and want to share it with us? Mail us at tips [at]…

  • iPhone OS 3.1.2 released by Apple

    Apple has released iPhone firmware 3.1.2 yesterday. The update comes with the following fixes & improvements: Resolves sporadic issue that may cause iPhone to not wake from sleep Resolves intermittent issue that may interrupt cellular network services until restart Fixes bug that could cause occasional crash during video streaming DO NOT upgrade if you are…

  • Character count in iPhone SMS app

    SMS stands for Short Message Service. Its meant to be short. This is why the character count is limited to 160 characters. You go beyond 160 and the message is split into two or more parts. Depending on the network and handset, you might send and receive it as a single message, however, majority of…

  • Piano Stairs to keep you healthy

    People hate to take the stairs. Some people hate it so much that they will take an elevator to go down a single floor! Clearly good health is under-rated. Some guys in Sweden created these Piano stairs to lure such people into taking stairs by making it more fun. Apparently, it worked too. 66% more…