Month: October 2009

  • Orkut to get a makeover, Not that anyone cares

    Remember the time when orkut was a big rage and actually exciting to use? It had launched just around the time Gmail launched (If I remember correctly) and was riding on the Google-is-great hype. And it was fun. Maybe it seemed to be fun because it was the first and only social network that I…

  • The missing iPhone key

    A friend just made me realize that the iPhone (and iPod Touch) keyboard does not show a backtick (`) key on it’s keyboard when you are typing into text boxes. I tried every possible thing and no it just wasn’t there. To tease us mortals, it appears automagically in the email keyboard.

  • Doodle 4 Google

    Everyone knows about Google’s doodles that appear on the Search Homepage based on the day it is. Google is running a contest that allows school kids from all over India to submit their own doodles on the theme “My India”. Voting is open till October 31st. The winner’s doodle will be posted on Google India…

  • Android 2.0 is here and it’s good

    Google has revealed the new Android 2.0 API and the video below is not only a great introduction, but it actually looks very good. Now if Droid does what all it says, I’m leaving the Apple camp.

  • Super awesome geeky T-shirts for your twins

    There is nothing much to say here. The picture below says it all: UPDATE: Here is the mac version: [The Daily What via Gizmodo] [Geeks Are Sexy via Gizmodo]

  • Clothes Hanger Chandeliers (aka Hangeliers) could spruce up your closet [Designs]

    I never thought clothes hangers could be put to such awesome use! These chandeliers (or Hangeliers as the designers call them) are bound to turn heads around:

  • How to build an entry level Home Theater and Gaming System [Part 1]

    This guide is for people who would like to enjoy watching movies and playing games in Full HD and Dolby 5.1 without wanting to spend a lot of money on the gear. The setup which we are gonna propose can be bought at one go, or incrementally, depending on your budget. The guide is divided…

  • Microsoft wants you to buy gold membership to use facebook and twitter on your Xbox 360 [WTF]

    I signed up for the Xbox Live update preview and got accepted. With high hopes, I downloaded the preview update only to find out that the things that can be previewed need me to sign up for a Xbox Live Gold membership! WTF? Apparently, just like the Netflix streaming service, Microsoft is gonna make facebook…

  • Vodafone makes some great ads too

    Like Airtel, Vodafone has some damn cool ads in India too. Be it ZooZoos or their brand ambassador pug. This Symphonia ad in New Zealand is no exception:

  • Awesome twitter ads from Airtel

    We all know that Airtel makes great advertisements in India. All of their ads are beautifully crafted, to the point, and deliver the message just right, leaving you mesmerized. They recently launched an ad campaign for the SMS service for twitter in India. And as expected, the ads are fully awesome. See for yourself: