Month: October 2009

  • Winners of Google Wave invite giveaway part II announced

    As promised, here are the winners of the Google Wave invite giveaway part II: Bharat Jilliedumudi Chris Larson Fran Nimesh Desai Priyanshu Bahuguna Congratulations! We will be nominating the winners by Saturday 24th October 2009. As told earlier, Google wave invites are nominations. So please be patient. Winners will also receive a separate email. While…

  • Mobile numbers in India are now also starting with “8”

    OK. I have been wanting to write about this since the last few days, so I am gonna spill it out directly. Mobile numbers in India are now (also) starting with the digit β€œ8”. Apparently, all the β€œ9” ones are used up, so, the Department of Telecommunications has allotted 100 million more number starting with…

  • Google Wave invite giveaway part II

    Get a Google Wave invite.

  • Winners of Google Wave invite giveaway announced

    As promised, here are the winners of the Google Wave invite giveaway: Amit Agarwal Pauke Sanjeev Goyal Shubham ~NeO~ Vaishalee Congratulations! We will be nominating the winners by Sunday 18th October 2009. As told earlier, Google wave invites are nominations. So please be patient. Winners will also receive a separate email. While going through the…

  • And now, Piracy on the cloud

    It had to happen. TechCrunch reports about this new service from Turkey called that practically invites the pirates around the world by making their job much more convenient. It’s an online storage service that collects files from Rapidshare, Torrents, RSS feeds and plain vanilla sources into your 50 GB space. It also allows you…

  • Google Wave for the Tarantino fan [NSFW]

    Have you ever been asked what Google Wave is? It’s hard to explain. Really, really hard. What you should do from now on is to show people this “Pulp Fiction adapted for Google Wave” video. It helped me. It helped Gizmodo’s John Herrman. I am sure it’ll help any Tarantino fan πŸ™‚ [via Gizmodo] Still…

  • Wow – Finland makes broadband a legal right

    Finland has become the first country in the world to make broadband a legal right for each of its citizen. According to the Ministry of Transport and Communications, starting July 2010, every person in Finland will have the right to a one megabit (1 Mbps) broadband connection. And by the end of 2015 it will…

  • Michael Dell indirectly reveals bitter truth about Windows 7

    At a recently held Silicon Valley dinner, Michael Dell revealed a bitter truth about the upcoming Windows 7 operating system: "I’ve been using Windows 7 for a long time now, and if you get the latest processor technology and Office 2010 with it, you will love your PC again." Does this mean that if I…

  • Google Street View High-Tech Tricycles are very much real, called “Trike”

    Remember the High Tech Google street view tricycles we told you about? Apparently, the project was very much real. Google is now using these high tech bikes (which they call β€œtrike”) to capture street view for places inaccessible by their street view cars. This includes places like university campuses, beach boardwalks, bike trails etc. Google…

  • In app purchase paves way for unlockable demo apps [iPhone]

    Apple introduced in app purchases with the iPhone 3.0 OS. Until now, this feature was available in paid apps only. A recent email from Apple to developers reveals that it is now available for free apps as well. This means that developers can now release demo apps and users can unlock the full app using…